Solving obsolescence problems with reliable cloud platforms

A technical article by Arthur Martens, Björn Cassens and Lars Schnieder has been published in the current issue of “Signal + Draht” (6/2020).

Products for railway applications usually have a very long service life. At the same time, the service life of the hardware used is decreasing. On cloud platforms, emulator software that was once compiled for a specific hardware can be operated on COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) hardware without modifications. This contributes to solving existing obsolescence problems in railway applications.

In their article, Arthur Martens, Björn Cassens and Lars Schnieder provide an introduction to cloud platforms and outline the conditions under which cloud platforms can be used for safety systems in rail transportation. You can read their results in the 6/2020 issue of the specialist magazine “Signal + Draht”.

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