Firmenhauptsitz des ESE-Campus in Braunschweig, Rückansicht vom Mitarbeiterparkplatz aus betrachtet.

About us

Founded at the kitchen table in 1997, the ESE team has grown continuously without losing any of its humanity and family atmosphere. Communication, team spirit and fun at work are very important to us. Together, we drive forward safety-relevant mobility solutions, present optimal solutions for specific requirements and turn ideas into reality.

This is us

For over 25 years, we have been presenting optimum solutions for the specific requirements of our customers and turning their ideas into reality. With extensive industry knowledge, our experts work on projects in the rail, automotive and industrial sectors.
We drive forward safety-relevant mobility solutions worldwide. We advise, analyze, develop, implement, test and assess. We take on tasks relating to classic software development, software testing, verification and validation, design and the assessment of systems and installations. Our customers benefit from our expertise along the entire life cycle and thus from complete solutions from a single source.
Since 2020, we have been a subsidiary of DB Engineering & Consulting, whose employees are active in numerous Deutsche Bahn projects and international rail projects. This makes us one of the largest engineering firms in Germany.

ESE-Mitarbeitende vor einem ESE-Bild, das Zusammengehörigkeit ausstrahlt.
> years of experience
ESE-Mitarbeitende sitzen in lockerer Atmosphäre in Sitzgruppe beisammen und führen ein Gespräch.

How we work

Our focus is on long-term thinking and action. That’s why we offer permanent positions and job security. Sustainable development is a high priority for us, as we are aware of our social responsibility.

Our qualified and committed colleagues are our most valuable asset – which is why they are at the heart of everything we do. To promote the further development of our employees, we actively rely on our ESE Academy. We enjoy after-work events, (sporting) leisure activities and great parties to balance out our working day.

Inside ESE

No one could give a better insight into our everyday life than those who experience it every day. Therefore, we asked some of our colleagues from the various departments to describe their everyday lives and careers at ESE in more detail. This way, everyone can get a first impression of us and our diverse work.

Langjähriger Mitarbeiter Thorsten vor der großen Glasfront des ESE-Campus in Braunschweig.
ESE GmbH | ESE ist Part of DB E.C.O. Group

As a leading know-how partner, we develop the success stories of the future with technologies to trust. Together with our customers, we master industry-specific challenges. Our teams of experts provide support throughout the entire project process.