ESE GmbH | Mitarbeiterstories, Inside ESE - Benjamin

Employee story


Benjamin has been with ESE since 2015 and has already been able to take a number of personal development steps. You can read how it came about here.

"Tell me something about yourself and your training and how you came to be doing what you're doing now."

Basically, I have to say that I was never interested in IT and computers and things like that. At school, however, my teacher encouraged me to take a computer science course. That’s when it started. I did my A-levels in computer science and later deepened my programming skills in my computer science degree.
Initially I worked part-time, later full-time, as a research assistant at the TU Braunschweig at the Institute for Programming and Reactive Systems.
After 6 years, it was time to find something else.

“I hardly know of any other company where the development opportunities are so good.”

"You've already taken a few development steps in ESE. Can you tell us how you developed from your first project?"

I had never actually planned it all like that either. I have always tended to move from project to project and from task to task. I started in testing and then at some point became interested in software development. Then, I switched from the test page to the development page. At some point, we introduced technical project management at ESE in addition to project management. And because I immediately enjoyed it, I took on this position.

After some time, the topic of ELISA led me to take on the role of Managing Expert and grow out of this area into a management role.

"Can you briefly explain to me what ELISA stands for?"

Yes, of course. You have to know that industrial software is in use for many, many years and has to withstand all new requirements that arise. The requirements for maintainability, correctness and robustness are therefore extremely high and can only be met by high software code quality. However, when we are editing older code, we often see that it was written in a way that is difficult to extend or that we cannot clearly recognize connections afterward. This not only annoys us as code editors, but of course also those who have to bear the enormous maintenance costs when a small change suddenly results in extensive work.

So we came up with a solution to make life easier for ourselves and our customers. This led to ELISA, our “ESE Lab for Intelligent Software Analysis”. As ELISA, we offer our customer’s software quality consulting and can continuously measure, visualize and improve the quality of software code using our analysis assistants, which we combine depending on the use case. We are thus taking a major step towards future-proof and robust software.

"How do you generally rate the development opportunities at ESE?"

On the subject of development opportunities at ESE, my personal opinion is that I know of hardly any other company where the development opportunities are so good. I would never have thought that I could have developed so much in such a short time here at ESE, and that I would be so well-supported. The fact that someone with just a few years of professional experience is trusted to manage projects, lead employees, acquire projects and win new customers is anything but a matter of course. That is a special feature.

Inside ESE

No one could give a better insight into our everyday life than those who experience it every day. Therefore, we asked some of our colleagues from the various departments to describe their everyday lives and careers at ESE in more detail. This way, everyone can get a first impression of us and our diverse work.

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As a leading know-how partner, we develop the success stories of the future with trustworthy technologies. Together with our customers, we master industry-specific challenges. Our teams of experts provide support throughout the entire project process.