ESE GmbH | Mitarbeiterstories, Inside ESE - Jacqueline

Employee story


Jacqueline has gone through various stages within ESE – starting as an intern, returning as a working student and now as a full-time employee in the recruiting team. You can find out more about her professional career and everyday working life here!

"First of all, tell us something about yourself, your career and how you came to ESE."

I started studying International Business Studies at the Harz University of Applied Sciences in 2016. It was a dual degree course, which means that I had two degrees at the end of the seven semesters of study: One from the Harz University of Applied Sciences and one from the Finnish partner university where I studied for a year. After this year, I went straight into my mandatory internship at ESE. That was in June 2019.

I became aware of ESE through my family. Thanks to the exchange with my ESE contact Florian Haux, I found an exciting topic for my Bachelor’s thesis, which I was then able to write in combination with my internship at ESE. In addition to working on and researching my thesis, I was also able to take on some recruiting tasks. I also had the opportunity to get to know the work at the Academy.

After my time at ESE, I did a voluntary internship and then accepted a working student position. At the same time, I started my Master’s degree in “Corporate Development” at Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

Through an old contact at ESE, I saw that a working student position was available in the Recruiting-Team, so I applied for it. And then everything happened very quickly: I had an interview, was accepted and a month later I started my new job – the best decision, I have to be honest.

"Why did you ultimately choose ESE again?"

I already felt very comfortable here the first time I worked here, so it’s not difficult for me to get other people excited about the company. I also really like my team and I enjoy the tasks. I knew that I could expect great working conditions here and that ESE was a company that I really wanted to work for.
I would have liked to have started here after my bachelor’s internship, but unfortunately, all the full-time positions in the Recruiting-Team were already filled at the time and no one was being sought. When I started here again as a working student, I asked in my interview whether there was the possibility of starting here full-time. Just as I had already asked in my job interview whether I could write my Master’s thesis in risk management at the company. In the end, I was able to do both here.

"Is there a personal highlight that you have experienced here at ESE?"

I couldn’t emphasize a single thing right now. Our team events were already incredibly cool. But basically, I have to say that one of the highlights is working with my colleagues, because we can always rely on each other. I know that there is always someone behind me and that my work is very much appreciated here.
My team is of course also a special highlight. Everyone brings different skills to the table, and together we complement each other very well. It’s wonderful to work in such a great team. Together we make a good team and that is a highlight for me.

"What does your day-to-day work look like?"

It’s a very varied job, no two days are 100% the same. I usually start the morning by sifting through the incoming applications, because of course we receive a lot of applications every day. I select a few suitable candidates and contact them by phone. We discuss opportunities, specialist areas, initial technical questions and possible dates for interviews. This means that my working day also has a high organizational component with appointment coordination and telephone calls. Colleagues also regularly approach me to discuss a new position, which I advertise then. Of course, I particularly enjoy conducting job interviews. The best thing for me is when I can call a candidate and make an offer of employment.

In addition, there are also special events such as job fairs or events like our hackathon, which make everyday life even more varied.

"How do your job interviews usually take place?

It really always depends on the interview participants and the position to be filled. There are conversations in which an exchange takes place in a question-and-answer situation. This is mutual, we are always happy to receive questions from our candidates and talk to each other as equals. From time to time there are also discussions in which exercises are set. The aim here is usually to find out how the candidates approach a specific task and solve problems. We often have more than one interview, so that candidates are checked for specialist knowledge in the second interview, for example, and also have the opportunity to get to know their potential new team. It is very important to us that the candidates can get a good idea of their future workplace. We always like to show people where and how we work before they make the final decision to work with us.

“I had an interview, was accepted and started my new job a month later – the best decision, I have to be honest.”

"Is there a cliché you would like to clear up here?"

For us, a job interview is not a stress test, but rather a conversation to get to know people better. So that’s the cliché I want to dispel: We don’t ask questions along the lines of “What are your strengths or your weaknesses?”.

Inside ESE

No one could give a better insight into our everyday life than those who experience it every day. Therefore, we asked some of our colleagues from the various departments to describe their everyday lives and careers at ESE in more detail. This way, everyone can get a first impression of us and our diverse work.

ESE GmbH | Inside ESE Michelle
ESE GmbH | Unser Recruitingteam

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