Dr.-Ing. Lars Schnieder joins the management of ESE GmbH

Dr.-Ing. habil. Lars Schnieder (39) will join the management of ESE Engineering und Software-Entwicklung GmbH, which has around 320 employees based in Braunschweig and several locations across Germany, on January 1, 2020. As Chief Operating Officer (COO), he will continue to be responsible for the assessment activities of the Assessment Service Center as well as for business development. The management team will therefore once again consist of three members: Klaus Janz (Chief Executive Officer), Clemens Seifert (Chief Financial Officer) and Dr. Lars Schnieder (COO).

Dr.-Ing. Lars Schnieder has been working for ESE as Head of Assessment Service Center since 2016. “We are very pleased that with Dr. Schnieder we have been able to gain an experienced manager from our ranks for this strategically important position and thus sustainably expand our management performance. We were particularly impressed by his successful and dynamic development of ESE’s safety assessment business in the automotive, industry and rail sectors,” says Klaus Janz, explaining the decision of the managing directors and shareholders.

Before joining ESE in 2016, Dr. Lars Schnieder held various positions of responsibility, including at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Siemens AG. He is also recognized as an expert by various supervisory authorities. In addition, Dr. Lars Schnieder has been teaching Transportation Systems Engineering at TU Dresden since 2019 after completing his habilitation.

“We wish Dr. Schnieder every success in his new role and look forward to working with him in the future,” said Klaus Janz. “With this change in management, we are further developing ESE and ensuring that we will continue to set standards for excellence in technology consulting and engineering services in the medium and long term,” adds Clemens Seifert.