ESE GmbH is one of the top 100 employers in Region 38

Braunschweig business magazine Standort38 and Berlin-based market research institute Trendence present the most attractive employers in the Braunschweig region.

At the end of last year, the decision-maker magazine Standort38 called for the third regional survey “100 out of 38”. A total of 2,270 participants, most of whom work, study or go to school in Region 38, have taken part in the survey over the past three months. In addition to the search for the most attractive employers, the focus was on the coronavirus period and its challenges for companies and employees alike. It was examined whether the past few months have changed the individual’s view of life and work and where in the region it is best to combine work, family and leisure.

From a database of almost 400 companies in the region, the participants voted ESE GmbH one of the top 100 employers in the region. “The result is both an incentive and an obligation,” comments Managing Director and CEO PD. Dr.-Ing. habil. Lars Schnieder commented on the ranking.

Further information and all the results of the survey can be found in the current issue of Standort38 magazine and online here.