Successful recertification according to ISO/TS 22163 (IRIS)

In April 2021, ESE GmbH successfully underwent recertification in accordance with the “International Standard for the Rail Industry” (IRIS for short). This proves that our company’s quality management system meets the highest standards of the rail industry in accordance with the requirements of ISO/TS 22163. ESE will carry the certificate for the next three years until the next recertification.

What is ISO/TS 22163?

ISO/TS 22163 is an international standard that builds on the ISO 9001:2015 quality management standard and supplements it with rail-specific requirements. With ISO/TS 22163 certification, companies can prove that they meet the high requirements of the rail industry in their processes – from the identification, monitoring and control of customer requirements to the management of development projects and the procurement of products and services.

Audit Evaluation

ESE’s quality management system meets all the requirements of ISO/TS 22163. For the IRIS Certificatoin Quality Performance Levels (Bronze, Silver, Gold), ratings for the three pillars Enabler, Customer Perception and Performance Evaluation are shown as a percentage of the maximum score. ESE is proud to achieve high scores here: Customer Perception 82%, Performance Evaluation 94% and Enablers 70%.

For our customers, the current certification means that they can rely on maximum process reliability with the highest quality and performance.