Automation in local rail traffic

The new Springer Essential by Dr.-Ing. Lars Schnieder describes the functions of highly automated train control systems, provides an overview of the degrees of automation and explains the operational aspects and the economic and traffic benefits.

Inner-city rail traffic systems are increasingly reaching their limits as transport demand increases. The safety and performance of these transportation systems are largely determined by the control and safety technology used. An expansion of transport services requires high-performance signaling systems known as Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC). In his new book, Lars Schnieder describes the system environment into which CBTC systems are integrated in local transport companies. In addition, he derives what contribution the individual security functions of CBTC solutions make to risk control. On this basis, it is shown how, with increasing automation, a greater range of functions is gradually taken over by technical systems. Finally, he discusses the non-functional requirements placed on CBTC systems, such as safety, availability, performance and cost-effectiveness.

You can purchase the Springer Essential here.