Digitalization of in-company training at the ESE Academy

For years, ESE has been focusing on the further development of the ESE Academy in order to recognize and promote the potential of its employees in the best possible way. In issue 7+8 2021 of “Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau”, Franziska Schwarz (Head of ESE Academy) and ESE Managing Director PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Lars Schnieder present the further training concept of ESE GmbH and report on the far-reaching advantages that have resulted from the digitalization of the ESE Academy.

The rapid growth and digitalization of the rail industry are placing new qualification requirements on employees. In order to provide the necessary skills for the digitalization of the railroad, in-company training should be a central function in companies.

ESE GmbH has recognized the strategic importance of the factor “human capital” and has continuously expanded this through the ESE Academy in recent years. The aim of the ESE Academy is to offer sustainable further training measures that are geared towards both employee and company needs. This applies to the specific content offered as well as the teaching methodology, the implementation period and the structure of the training measures.

Individual training program in a blended learning approach

As the training needs of individual employees at ESE GmbH are very individual, these are identified in regular staff appraisals between employees and managers. In coordination with the ESE Academy, the requirements are translated into a targeted, individual training program for employees.

The ESE Academy uses a blended learning approach to maximize the benefits of the training measures. The mix of different methods of in-company training offers the opportunity for a holistic and, above all, needs-specific transfer of knowledge on a wide range of topics – with a focus on both theoretical and practical content.

Digital teaching and system implementation

Digital teaching methods in particular have become increasingly important for the ESE Academy over the past two years. By using synchronous (lecturer and participants are in a virtual room at the same time) and asynchronous (learning content is made available via a digital platform) digital teaching elements, it is possible to train employees simultaneously across all ESE locations, to operate more cost-effectively and to integrate training courses more flexibly into everyday working life.

Would you like to gain more insight into the ESE Academy’s approach? We are happy to provide you with the full article on the digitalization of training in the rail industry.