ETCS Level 3 or CBTC? System decision for light rail vehicles

In the March issue of the trade magazine “Eisenbahningenieur” (3/2022), a technical article by PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Lars Schnieder and Paula von der Heide was published.

With increasing demand for transportation in urban areas and the simultaneous obsolescence of control and safety technology components and systems, some of which are decades old, strategic technology decisions for future-proof renewal are increasingly coming to the fore for many local transport operators. With Communications-Based Train Control Systems (CBTC) and the European Train Control System (ETCS), two technological solutions are available on the market. Based on the characteristic differences between these solution concepts, this article looks at their fundamental suitability in relation to the requirements framework of local transport operators.

At first glance, ETCS Level 3 and CBTC appear to be equivalent, but a closer comparison reveals considerable differences. These result from different operational task profiles (different security functions), a resulting different allocation of functions between vehicle and route and a different degree of standardization.

In their article in the 3/2022 issue of “Eisenbahningenieur”, Lars Schnieder and Paula von der Heide look at the fundamental suitability of these solution concepts in relation to the requirements framework of local transport companies, based on the characteristic differences between them.

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