Open communication interfaces for automatic train control systems – vision or reality?

In the current issue of the trade magazine “Signal + Draht” (3/2022), a technical article by PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Lars Schnieder and Prof. Dr. Pawel Buczek has been published.

In recent decades, Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) systems have become the de facto standard for both new construction projects and the signaling renewal of existing high-capacity urban rapid transit systems. As the functional scope of these train control systems is largely described by the standardization, the system solutions of the various manufacturers are therefore at least comparable in this respect. Nevertheless, operators believe there is a need to counter the proprietary system solutions of manufacturers with a system concept based on open interface standards.

In their article in the 3/2022 issue of “Signal+Draht”, PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Lars Schnieder and Prof. Dr. Pawel Buczek, Professor of Microcontrollers and Digital Circuit Technology at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, look at the need for standardization of system architectures in local transport, outline the basic functional complexes of highly automated rail transport systems, outline the transferability of standardization approaches to local transport and thus show that automated local transport can borrow from tried and tested interface standards of the mainline railroad.

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