Strategic management of vehicle fleets in public passenger transportation

In June 2018, the new book by Dr.-Ing. Lars Schnieder on the strategic management of vehicle fleets in public passenger transport was published by Springer Verlag.

365 days a year, 24 hours a day – vehicle fleets of public transport companies are subject to stringent requirements in terms of availability and operational safety. At the same time, a significant proportion of transport companies’ capital is tied up in their vehicle fleets. The long operational service life of the procured vehicles therefore requires a holistic management approach. In his new book, Dr. Lars Schnieder explains how transport companies can create appropriate organizational and operational structures for various management tasks in the management of vehicle fleets. Using concrete practical examples, the book shows how transport companies make strategic decisions, for example on the depth of added value and the mapping of contractual interfaces between different interest groups (manufacturers, operators, public authorities). The presentation in the book is based on the life cycle of vehicles, which ranges from technology selection and evaluation to maintenance and the consideration of obsolescence and disposal issues (circular economy).

Do you have questions about the strategic management of vehicle fleets in public transportation or are you interested in this topic?

The book can be purchased from Springer Verlag here.